Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': Failed to extract the cab file in the solution.

Error Message: Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': Failed to extract the cab file in the solution.

One day I tried to deploy Images in _layouts folder using VS 2010. But I couldn't deploy Images because above error message fired in VS2010's error window. After half and hour I found one file named with blue_button (2).gif and renamed with blue_button.gif and deploy solution. Its working fine.

Resolution: To work around this problem, remove any parentheses in the names of SharePoint project items.

This link help me to solve the problem http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee330922.aspx.

Happy Coding !!!


  1. Thnx for the post,
    helped alot.

    same error wll get when a filename contains % symbol.
    removing the % from filename solved the problem.

  2. Thanks, I was trying to solve this thing from 1 whole day.

  3. cheers - this helped me !

    MS should add a proper error message ...

  4. Yes, Sean Ryan.
    MS should add a proper error message so developer can easily solve without time consumption.


  5. @ in the name caused the same error

  6. What if I need to have the @ in the filename? It worked fine in SharePoint Designer.

  7. Thanks very helpful indeed
