Monday, July 12, 2010

VB.Net Error on SharePoint feature deployment

VB.Net Error on SharePoint feature deployment

Before few days i had converting my C# code into and I faced one problem in Assembly reference part.

Failed to create feature receiver object from assembly "SampleWebFeature,version=,culture=nutral, Publickey Token=xxxxxxxxxxxx".

My same C# code working for this feature but code fire this error.

Almost I got the point, the problem occured in assembly reference and Reflector help me to identify the problem.

C#'s dll class refer : SampleWebFeature,version=,culture=nutral, Publickey Token=xxxxxxxxxxxx
VB.Net's dll class refer : SampleWebFeature.SampleWebFeature,version=,culture=nutral, Publickey Token=xxxxxxxxxxxx

Then opened Project's Property window and removed "SampleWebFeature" and then build DLL and checked in Reflector.

Both refer same then move dll to GAC and tried to activate feature and it worked.

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